


PRODUCTS > Data collection > Photoelectric water meter data collector (wired)

Photoelectric water meter data collector (wired)

DCT-2001R-M data collector is a special equipment developed by our company for intelligent network meter reading system such as water meter, gas meter and heat meter.

The system accesses the meter of the data collector through addressing mode to realize centralized meter reading and Single-machine meter reading function, this product has lightning protection, Bus isolation, fault indication, overload protection, short circuit protection and other functions. DCT-2001R-M data collector can be divided into DCT-2001R-M collector (uplink RS485, downlink Mbus) and DCT-2001M-W collector (uplink wireless, downlink Mbus) according to the communication mode between uplink and concentrator.


Features of product


1.The system accesses the meter in the output channel of the corresponding data collector through the addressing mode, without affecting the meter work in the output channel of other data collectors.

2.The channel output is extended to supply power and data communication for the channel meter in real time during network data transmission.

3.Amplify the signal of the communication link to extend the network transmission distance and increase the network load capacity

4.Power supply to the downstream meter only when meter reading, the overall power consumption of the system is reduced, and the anti-interference ability is strong.

5.Automatically test the load condition of the downstream Mbus channel, with short-circuit and overload indication function, and cut off the faulty channel at the same time to ensure that the equipment is not damaged.

6.According to the collector, the power supply is supplied by the power industrial grade switching power supply, which has the characteristics of large input voltage range, large output power and high power efficiency.