


Classroom air conditioning lighting energy management system

According to the "Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Strictly Implementing Temperature Control Standards for Air-Conditioning of Public Buildings", the national government has a cooling rate of not less than 26 degrees for public buildings and no more than 20 degrees for winter heating. Degree requirements. At present, in addition to paying attention to behavior management and energy conservation publicity and education, all units do not have better technical management methods. Therefore, although energy conservation is constantly emphasized, per capita energy consumption is increasing. Therefore, the power-saving control of lighting and air-conditioning has been revealed through technical means, and it has gradually been recognized by energy-saving managers in the industry.

The CAMS classroom air-conditioning lighting energy-saving management system is based on wireless IoT technology to centrally manage the currently dispersed air-conditioning lighting. Through sensor technology, face recognition technology, and according to the school's curriculum, comprehensive consideration of environmental illuminance, temperature and other parameters, real-time control of air-conditioning lighting equipment switches, thereby achieving energy-saving purposes.